Brown Dwarfs and Free Floating Planets: When You are Just Too Small to be a Star

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Apr. 17, 2013
Dr. Gibor Basri (University of California, Berkeley)
The least massive star is six times heavier than the most massive known planet. In between is the realm of the mysterious "brown dwarfs." The first of these was discovered only in 1995, the same year astronomers found the first planet beyond our solar system. Since then we have found hundreds of each, and new techniques are giving us even more power to probe the properties of these enigmatic bodies. Dr. Basri, one of the discoverers of brown dwarfs, summarizes the progress we have made in understanding the domain of cosmic objects that don't qualify as stars. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.