Yogurt ice cream - recipe

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The yogurt ice cream is ideal for a fresh snack or a light dessert, and you can make it at home using plain or fruit yogurt.
A nice yoghurt ice cream is ideal for a fresh snack or a light dessert. You can make it at home with plain or fruit yoghurt, let's see together the ingredients!
We'll need:
• just over ½ cup (120 g) of white sugar
• 2 cups (500 ml) of whole milk yoghurt
• 1 ¼ tsp (10 g) of glucose syrup • less than 1 tbsp (5 g) of carob powder
• ½ cup (125 ml) of heavy cream
• ½ cup (125 ml) of fresh whole milk
Let's prepare together the yoghurt ice cream:
In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream and the milk... the white sugar... the carob powder... and the glucose syrup. Stir... and bring the mixture to 185° degrees Fàhrenheit (85°C).
The carob powder is a natural thickener, that you can buy at health food stores or pharmacy; so, it helps make your ice cream thicker, but if you can't find it, you can avoid it.
When the mixture reaches the right temperature, chill it quickly by placing the bowl in an ice and water bath. Once it's cold, let it rest in the fridge for a couple of hours.
After taking the mixture out of the fridge, add the yoghurt... of course, both the yoghurt and the mixture must be very cold. Mix everything... and let it cool for another hour in the fridge.
Now pour the mixture into the ice cream maker, and let it run until the ice cream is thick and firm.
The ice cream is ready, all we have to do is transfer to a food container with lid and keep in the freezer for at least 3 hours before serving.
The yoghurt ice cream is ready to be served with fresh fruit or fruit sauces. From Sonia and GialloZafferano, bye and see you next videorecipe!
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