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The 8807HD - G is yet another fold out DJI Mavic style toy quadcopter with 720p wifi fpv camera with smart phone app control functions as well as the traditional hard transmitter which comes in the package and is a very nice flyer especially in speed one and two but in speed three, it is a speedy quad with pitch angle so deep it just wants to go directly to the ground!!!
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It comes with a 900mah 3.7v JST plug battery and by using a 750mah battery for consecutive flights, it was not adequate for this quadcopter and this quadcopter needs the 900mah size for what it is intended for normal flight time and functionality.
There is the normal version with 480p camera if you don't care much about the quality of photos and videos for a price of $29 but the 720p version as tested comes in at $35.99
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The stuff I use :
Taranis Q x7s
Taranis Q X7
Aomway commander goggles
headplay goggles
Skyzone goggles
Mobius mini
runcam 2
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