Batteriser / Batteroo Toy Train Test

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Full unedited test (in a single video shot) of the Batteriser / Batteroo AAA sleeve with a toy train. Footage sped up 10 times during the boring laps.
19:45 End of first test
31:51 End of second test
169 minutes and 508 laps without Batetriser
94 minutes and 351 laps with Batteriser
(31% less laps, and 44% less run time with the batteriser)
3 minutes and 10 extra laps on the "dead" battery with the Batteriser (Just under 2% extra life based on laps)
Not 200%, not 20%, a lousy 2%
Conclusion = The Batteriser FAILS on both metrics, on new batteries and on dead batteries. And it doesn't extract all the energy from a battery either. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.