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"What do modern dance, classical violin, and techno music have in common? The answer is a spunky Mormon performer with a talent for multitasking!
Lindsey Stirling can play anything from rock and roll to hip-hop. When writing her music, if she gets stuck she gets up and goes to get a bowl of cereal then works out the rest. In the past Lindsey had struggled with anorexia. She knew that she wasn’t thinking normally. She placed her value on being skinny. She realized she wasn’t happy. It was a long road and a lot of looking inward. By feeling the love from people around her she knew God loved her. What lasts for Lindsey is her core beliefs. She is who she wants to be. Lindsey is a cereal eater, violinist, and a Mormon.
To learn more about Lindsey Sterling’s story, visit:
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