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Are you familiar with the most bizarre stars in the universe? Our galaxy is estimated to have about 100 billion stars and though most share similar traits, there are quite a few that have bizarre things going on. Check out the 25 most bizarre stars in the universe.
Do you think our sun is weird? To be fair, it does its oddities, but there are stars in the universe that put our sun to shame. Whether because of their size, behavior, or characteristics; some of these stars are mind-blowingly bizarre. Check out the most bizarre stars in the universe (and our photo credits and sources) and let us know in the comments below which star you think is the most bizarre:
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Did you know that there is a star so big, that it can swallow our entire solar system? There’s also a star so heavy that it is 256 times heavier than our sun. While stars are known for being massive, there are a couple stars that are small. In fact, one of them is the size of Jupiter. Check out these 25 most bizarre stars in the universe.
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Music: Frozen Star by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (/)
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