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Top 10 Nicest Things Thanos Has Ever Done
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Thanos is the Mad Titan, feared throughout the Marvel Universe for his transgressions against life itself... but sometimes he can be kind of nice. Yes, really! Thanos has helped save the universe many times, and here's a list of the nicest things the big purple titan has ever done.
Top 10 Worst Things Thanos Has Ever Done:
List Rank and Entries
#10: Prevented a Collision Between Two Earths
#9: Rescued Gamora From Certain Death
#8: Saved Lady Death
#7: Helped the Guardians Of The Galaxy
#6: Double Crossed Annihilus
#5: Helped the Heroes Defeat Nebula
#4: Defeated Magus To Save Reality
#3, #2, #1: ?
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