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A foldable arm and propeller GPS quadcopter with very good controls and functions.
The core functions like the one key to take off and land, GPS return to home, failsafe return to home and the two low voltage return to home in which the initial phase include a geofencing and in the second phase it will land where the take off or the home point was recorded worked flawlessly.
However, the photos and videos is where the problem for this quadcopter or more precisely the wifi phone app has a shortcoming. The photos record into the photo album but the video will record sometimes and sometimes they will not record even though the icon indicates that it is recording.
The wifi connection is poor and there are a lot of freeze frames due to the sharing of the 2.4ghz frequency of the remote and the wifi connection.
The quadcopter tested was not a 5G unit but it was a 2.4ghz unit confirmed by checking the wifi properties of the unit.
Here is a better GPS 5G wifi fpv quadcopter in the same class.
Song: Rameses B - There For You [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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