Lets Play Angry Birds Transformers Part 5: Galvatron, Lockdown & Ultra Magnus SAVED!

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Dad gets to rank 25 and unlocks Galvatron with 800 pigs! But first, Ultra Magnus and Lockdown get rescued!
Other Rank 25 Characters left to get: Soundblaster & Sentinel Prime, so the next time we come back, it'll likely be a Level 40 Soundblaster & Sentinel Prime Gameplay.
Other Gameplays:
Part 4: Bludgeon & Heatwave:
Part 3: Unlocking New Areas with Chase:
Part 2: Unlocking Soundwave:
Part 1: Red Prime Saves Bumble Bee Chuck!
Check out all of our Angry Birds Videos: (Stella, Epic, Go, Star Wars & More)
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