Heavy Rain (PS3) | Full Gameplay/Playthrough | No Commentary

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#HeavyRain #FullPlaythrough #NoCommentary.
Equipment I use for my YouTube videos;
Mobo -
Monitor -
LG Ultrawide Monitor -
AverMedia 4k Capture Card -
PS4 Pro -
Chair -
Case -
Hey everybody, this is my full playthrough for Heavy Rain, running on the PS3. This is the full single player campaign with no added commentary.
This is my own edited playthrough to streamline everything as much as possible, removing any deaths, loading times, my own play style, etc. I place value on the high quality of my videos as I use one of the best capture cards on the market.
If you like what I do then please subscribe to me here on YouTube so I can keep posting full playthroughs, it would mean so much to me!
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