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20 minute plus flight time!!!
It comes with two 2000mah 3.7 volt battery for a flight time of more than 20 minutes each!!!
Early adopters of this quadcopter had reported connectivity issues so snaptain has upgraded the placement of the internal antennas to fix this issue.
The quadcopter used in this video is still the early version but the antennas have been modified and it is flying really well with the hard remote and the range has increased as well.
I had so much flight time with just one battery that after flying it with the hard remote and demonstrating all of its functions like all three speeds, flips, one key return and headless mode as well as some wifi fpv time, I was able to fly it with the wifi phone app and check out the voice command, gyro mode, the trajectory flight and the virtual sticks and because there was still more battery left I was able to fly it with the hard remote again some more. Tons of flight time!!!
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The stuff I use :
Taranis Q x7s
Taranis Q X7
headplay goggles
Skyzone goggles
runcam 2
Jumper T8SG
HQ Prop
Gemfan 5152
Gemfan 5149
Cyclone T5046C
Frsky XM+
HOBBYMATE D6 Duo Pro Battery Charger
Huge Landing Pad
AKK A3 FPV AIO Micro Camera vvv
Sauniks - Heart of Gold [Royalty Free Music]
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